>What I'd do, is booting Knoppix, check if that partition shows as  potential 
>>mount on the desktop (hda1, eventually). If not, I'd do
>fdisk /dev/hda (or whatever it is, probably hda or sda). And I'd do an  'su' 
>>on the terminal as well, before.
>Then we can see what your disk contains.
>Which would be needed before any file repair system could enter the scene.

Thanks. Here's the full output of fdisk and dd. (The outfiles of dd are 
attached.) I dont think that this is going to help, though.  8-(

[EMAIL PROTECTED] sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda

Disk /dev/hda: 82.3 GB, 82348277760 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 10011 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   *           1        2611    20972826    7  HPFS/NTFS
/dev/hda2            4790       10011    41945715    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] sudo dd if=/dev/hda of=/mnt/hda2/hda.txt count=1K
 1024+0 records in
 1024+0 records out
 524288 bytes (524 kB) copied, 0.080319 seconds, 6.5 MB/s

[EMAIL PROTECTED] sudo dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/mnt/hda2/hda1.txt count=1K
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
524288 bytes (524 kB) copied, 0.029401 seconds, 17.8 MB/s

[EMAIL PROTECTED] sudo dd if=/dev/hda2 of=/mnt/hda2/hda2.txt count=1K
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
524288 bytes (524 kB) copied, 0.044041 seconds, 11.9 MB/s

By the way, I dont still beleive that  "embed" was the problem. Now i beleive 
it simply was "install" and "setup". 

 Until yesterday, (hd[number],[number]) was the only way to name a disk in Grub 
that i knew about. I didnt knew that (hd[number]) was valid too. 

Setup or Install does not complain about the first syntax, and not even "help 
install" or "help setup" has any information about this. But setup (hd0,0) or 
"install STAGE1 (hd0,0) STAGE2" may destroy the partition, though these 
commands shouldnt normally write any data to any partition. 

In my opinion its not secure that the so called automatic command setup, or 
install,  wrties data to a the wrong place on the disk without a warning. 

That is important to improve in GRUB 2. 



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