Am Mittwoch, den 04.11.2009, 08:42 -0800 schrieb Dr. Dov Bulka:
> [r...@mason grub-1.97]# grub --version
> grub (GNU GRUB 0.97)
> [r...@mason grub-1.97]#
> Today is Nov 4th so it looks like the new grub was not copied to
> "/usr/local/sbin". The grub versionis pointing to 0.97 as opposed to
> 1.97.

There is no more this grub binary with grub2.
You have to use grub-install now to install it, which even with GRUB
Legacy was the prefered way.
And you can use optionally use grub-mkconfig to generate a grub.cfg for

> Also, when I execute "info grub", it states that this is the
> documentation for version 0.97.

The info docs are still mostly just copied from GRUB Legacy.
Anyway do you have makeinfo installed?
In Debian it's in the texinfo package.
Without it you won't get the info docs.

> The Wiki manual says: "The make install made the utilities go to their
> final places on the host."  Am I looking at the wrong files? 

No, we only use (currently) $prefix/bin and $prefix/sbin for the tools.

Felix Zielcke
Proud Debian Maintainer and GNU GRUB developer

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