>> Also, while the Chicago Manual of Style recommends it, some other
> online
>> grammar sites mention that it is American English style, but
>> English would not add a comma afterwards.

My feeling is consistent with that. I'm British, and I'd say there
lots of cases where it is more natural (to me) not to have a comma
"i.e." or "e.g.".

This is the crux of the argument.  Should the GNU Guile manual be
written using British English or American English, both in grammar and
spelling?  American English usage rules require a comma, while British
English requires that there not to be a comma.  There needs to be a
decision about which set of usage rules should be used in the primary
version of the manual, and then differences can be resolved in
translations.  But whichever is decided, it should not be "use a comma
if you feel it's needed; otherwise, leave it out."  Reference manuals
are not the place for personal style.  Let's leave that for tutorials.


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