The only other thing I can think of right now which might be different is the
way I'm starting ibus. Instead of ibus-setup, what happens if you launch it with
ibus-daemon -drx
and then access the preferences by right clicking the tray icon (or perhaps
running ibus-setup _after_ the daemon is launched if you have no tray icon)

On Tue, May 07, 2019 at 04:26:29PM +0200, pelzflorian (Florian Pelz) wrote:
> What I said was incomplete.  I just tried again; ibus-anthy works fine
> for me only when e.g. entering text in GNOME Shell’s search bar, but
> not when entering text in the terminal.  Sorry.

If I recall correctly I had this issue as well, where input would not work in
the terminal even though it worked in other applications, until I changed some
of my environment variables to "xim" instead of "ibus".
According to the Arch Wiki here
there are claims from some users that things don't work until they replace
"ibus" with "xim".

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