Gábor, Ludo',

Gábor Boskovits 写道:
Supressing the last modified header is just an
add_header Last-Modified "";

You'll also need:

# Don't honour client If-Modified-Since constraints.
if_modified_since off;
# Nginx's etags are hashes of file timestamp & file length.
etag off;

Turning these off will of course prevent all caching. I don't know if that would add measurable load to guix.gnu.org (it would be more problematic if we used a CDN, but it might still make a difference).

Nix does something both interesting and icky — as always: patch[0] nginx to look up the realpath() instead, so clients can still cache using If-None-Match.

Kind regards,


[0]: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/48337

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