
Gábor Boskovits <boskov...@gmail.com> skribis:

> we should create a file with the git last modification time of the files,
> updated when there is a new commit in the repo => last-modified
> we should create a file with some hash of the files, updated when there is
> a new commit in the repo => etag
> we could restrict these operations to the files modified since the last
> checkout.
> Retrieve these with embededd perl.
> Wdyt?

What would the config look like?  AFAICS our ‘nginx’ package doesn’t
embed Perl, and I think it’s better this way.  :-)  Can we do that with
pure nginx directives?

We create /srv/guix.gnu.org (as a symlink) with the correct mtime¹.  If
we can tell nginx to use it as the ‘Last-Modified’ date, that’s perfect.



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