I applaud your effort using inclusive language in the official documentation, 
as someone who uses it daily in most occasions. Sadly, I've seen some 
concerning issues in the Spanish documentation related to the usage of 
inclusive language, specifically in the manual 

There are references everywhere to "usuaria", the feminine form of "usuario" 
(user). Like for example the title of point 10.5: "Cuentas de usuaria", or in 
2.1.2: "la usuaria root".

Using the feminine form "usuaria" like it was neutral is as exclusive (if not 
more, since that's done consciously) as using the masculine form. If you want 
to make "usuario" neutral, please use alternative ways like making up neutral 
words using the "e" or the "x": "le usuarie root" / "lx usuarix root".

To give some context, in Spanish, inclusive language still isn't academically 
accepted, the way to refer to some person or group in a neutral way is usually 
using the masculine forms as neutral forms. Now, the few of us who have been 
doing efforts for years using inclusive language to be respectful with every 
sensitivity, try to avoid using masculine forms as neutral, and reword 
sentences or use equivalent gender neutral words when those exist. This 
requires effort since Spanish is a heavily gendered language, and sometimes it 
isn't possible, like in the "usuario" example above. In those cases the trend 
is to make up neutral words like I pointed out. Swapping masculine forms with 
their feminine counterpart and pretending they're neutral creates a problem on 
top of a problem.
L. F. Vega

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