On 04-09-2022 10:24, Maxime Devos wrote:
Here's a reproducer:

(define o (make-unstructured-octal 0 (make-zero-string "0" #\䤄)))
(test-equal "Writing is reversible (#57573)"
        o (decode-octal (encode-octal octal)))

That was bogus (octal is undefined), try

(define o (make-unstructured-octal 0 (make-zero-string "0" "䤄")))
(unless (valid-octal? o) (error "oops"))
(test-equal "Writing is reversible (#57573)"
        o (decode-octal (encode-octal o)))
instead. Error message:
test-name: Writing is reversible (#57573)
location: tests/kinds/octal.scm:130
+ (test-equal
+   "Writing is reversible (#57573)"
+   o
+   (decode-octal (encode-octal o)))
expected-value: #<<unstructured-octal> value: 0 source: #<<zero-string> value: "0" trailer: "䤄">> actual-value: #<<padded-octal> value: 0 width: 1 padding: #\0 trailer: "䤄">
result: FAIL

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