"Alfred M\. Szmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Okie, I'm fed up with the braindead crap that the Savannah tracker is.
> Always send patches directly to bug-hurd first, when they have been
> discussed, and OKed, _then_ add it to the brain dead pile of shit that
> the Savannah tracker is.  Not before, not later.  When it has been
> added, to not change it.  Consider it as a commit to the CVS, and it
> is there forever.  Make a new bug report for the patch, and follow the
> above rules.

Let me be clear, in case anyone is confused.

Alfred is entitled to make a request of what would help his life, but
these are not some kind of official guidelines for the project.  He is
not empowered to declare submission guidelines, and as far as I
recall, no decision has been made yet for him to have approval
authority over patches either.


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