"Alfred M\. Szmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>    And you are?  And you do?  Says who?
> I have been taking care of all the patches for the last year or two, I
> have also been the one who has asked, re-asked, and re-re-asked to get
> thingies applied.  You have not done squat.  So unless I missed your
> divine work somewhere, I'm the one deciding how to make the job I do
> easier, and how to make it easier on me when I (or really, anyone
> else) flood Roland with zillions of patches to be applied, or if he
> wants to have things differently he is free to speak up.

Which is what I said, without your bitter and hateful tone.

What I said was that you are entitled to ask people to do something to
make your life easier, but not to instruct people about how they must
submit patches (to Roland, or me).  And you have confirmed that your
patches are to be submitted to Roland (or whoever).

So I'm not sure what, other than your hate for me, you wish to
convey.  Have I summed it up?


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