Hi Olaf, 

(Do you prefer Olaf or antrik? - did I already ask that?)

Firstoff: The status is great work! 

(I didn't yet comment on it here, but I already worked a bit on the wiki 

I have three comments: 

Am Mittwoch 10 September 2008 06:52:13 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> All in all we had five students working on a diverse selection of five
> projects from our ideas list. All of the projects were more or less
> successful:

Wouldn't "The students and mentors did a great job!" be more useful when seen 
from the "hey, I just entered this site, let's look what the Hurd is doing 
with GSoC" viewpoint? 

Also I want to ask: Would it be correct to say "Four of the students still 
work on further improving the Hurd". 

Differently put: 
@Zheng Da, Flavio Cruz, Andrei Barbu and Madhusudan.C.S: 

        "Are you still working on the Hurd?"

(@Sergio: I know that you still do (from this list) so I didn't ask you :) ) 

I ask because that is the best possible outcome of a Google Summer of Code 
project, and if you're still taking part in the Hurd development, we should 
say that on the GSoC status page. 

> We decided to keep up the IRC meetings after the end of official GSoC,
> so things can be properly wrapped up for upstream submission; but also
> because the students want to continue discussing progress with their
> ongoing work, problems, future directions etc.
> I also think that regular IRC meetings are a good thing in general.
> As always, the meetings are not only for (former) GSoC students and
> mentors, but open to any interested party :-)
> If someone of you is lurking on this list and would like to contribute,
> but feel that you could do so better under formal mentoring: Please
> speak up at the meeting! :-)

This part is great! 
It shows directly, that the bigger GSoC gave something to the Hurd development 
- and for a reader it shows increased dynamics. 

Best wishes, 
-- My stuff: http://draketo.de - stories, songs, poems, programs and stuff :)
-- Infinite Hands: http://infinite-hands.draketo.de - singing a part of the 
history of free software.
-- Ein Würfel System: http://1w6.org - einfach saubere (Rollenspiel-) Regeln.

-- PGP/GnuPG: http://draketo.de/inhalt/ich/pubkey.txt

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