Am Donnerstag 06 November 2008 14:35:14 schrieb Thomas Schwinge:
> Speaking about it, I have now finished merging the old web pages into the
> current set wiki pages, done a bunch of clean-ups, and made that
> available at <>.  What
> needs to be done before this can officially be made available at
> <>?

The news part looks quite nice! 

It could be a bit smaller to be less intrusive (so people see more quickly 
that there's something below it), but that's design, not basic layout. 

Maybe the "read on" link could be a simple anchor to the section below the 
news, so people get directed to the lower frontpage stuff where they can then 
find the "read more on the hurd" link. 

That "read on" will be the first part most people see, so we need to check 
what we want them to see first. 

Best wishes, 
-- My stuff: - stories, songs, poems, programs and stuff :)
-- Infinite Hands: - singing a part of the 
history of free software.
-- Ein Würfel System: - einfach saubere (Rollenspiel-) Regeln.

-- PGP/GnuPG:

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