
> >     DATE         | Content floa-
> >     EDIT link    | ting all around
> >     COMMENT link | here and
> >     -------------/ going on and
> >     on even down here if needed.

The first DATE actually was/is the item's filename.  The second DATE the
last-edited one.  I removed the latter one, as that's mostly redundand
information (that's also what Arne suggested) and the saved space is more
important than the information this provides.  I also removed the
COPYRIGHT and LICENSE notes for every single news item, as I think that
for these tiny snippets we can abstain from displaying this for every
single one and they should match the inlining page's information

In a private email Arne provided some help with the CSS magic needed.  I
was able to use his hint to create what now appears on the already-known
URL.  What do you think?


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