
I'm typesetting a heavily-dotted piece of mine (using Lilypond 2.2.5) and came across some
problems with the way Lilypond places dots.

This example shows several problems:

\score {
    \notes {
        \new Staff \transpose c c' {
            \time 3/4
                {e8. f16 g2} \\
                {<e d b,>2 r4}
            >> |
                {e8. f16 g2} \\
                {<e d b,>2.}
            >> |
                {d8. e16 f2} \\
                {<b d>2.}
            >> |
                {d8. e16 f2} \\
                {<c' a d>2.}
            >> |

The most obvious bug is in the second bar. It differs from the first one only in the dotting
of the second voice but somehow that makes the notes collide.
Also, the top dot in the second bar seems to have gone too far from whichever note it belongs to.
The third bar looks confusing. The second voice appears not to be dotted on first glance. The dot on the
B went quite far AND across a stem.
In the fourth bar a dot collides with a beam.
I think the correct resolution in all bars should have the second voice, including its dots, to the left
of the first voice.
I searched for some examples in scores and found that dots sometimes go to the left of a concurrent voice
(in a Schirmer score).

Thanks, Yuval

<<attachment: dots.png>>

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