> This line is to prevent Gmane from suspecting me of top-posting. Heh.

Two more things I thought of. I'll continue numbering, for ease of referencing.

Fifthly, I imagine more people than just me have had and will have  Gmane's 
posting" problem when including .ly snippets. (I bumped into it when posting 
"Bug: eights-bars overlap in choirstaff" on April 30.) 

It happens like so: the LilyPond website allows you to post to the 
mailing list via a form. [http://post.gmane.org/post.php?group=gmane.comp.gnu.
lilypond.bugs] This form checks for "top posting" [http://www.caliburn.nl/
topposting.html], which it "recognises" by one or more ">"-signs on  a line by 
themselves, with text above that.
Now, if somebody wants to post a LilyPond snippet which uses simultaneous 
then that *won't* work if it's of the form
\new Staff = men 
        insert music here 
because Gmane thinks that that's top posting. There are two solutions. One is 
reformatting your code, like so:
\new Staff = men <<
        insert music here >>
Another one is putting a line with > at the top of your post, like so:
> Ssh, Gmane, I'm not top posting.
\new Staff = men 
        insert music here
Others may have less time than I had, and be turned away by this problem; and 
that would be a shame. Is it possible to tell prospective bug reporters about 
the problem and its workarounds? Preferably on the page with the posting form; 
or, otherwise, on the lilypond.org page [http://lilypond.org/web/documentation] 
that links to it. A simple sentence should do it, such as:
"NB: When posting a LilyPond snippet, the form may tell you that you are "top 
posting". Solve that by putting a line that starts with > at the top of your e-

Sixthly and lastly, instructions on reporting bugs are located under 
Documentation on the website [http://lilypond.org/web/documentation]; and only 
on the page you reach when clicking the Documentation link on the top of the 
screen, not on page you reach when you follow the Quick Link to the 
documentation of the stable version [http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.8/Documentation
/]. Not a very intuitive place; not one people come often. I recommend either 
* putting the bug-reporting instructions under the Development section (where 
for one, looked for it), 
* or putting it on the [http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.8/Documentation/] page,
* or linking to it from either of these pages
* or making a seperate page called "Contact" or "Contact/Support" or somesuch, 
and putting all contact/support information there, such as "Questions or 
comments?" and "Get notified of new releases?", etc.

My two cents. What do you think?

Sietse Brouwer

bug-lilypond mailing list

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