> The Chord Name engraver with chordChanges = #t
> does not print the chord at the beginning
> of a repeat alternative if the chord at the
> end of the previous repeat alternative was
> the same.

Sorry, my example was a bit thin. It is
hard to see the problem when only the
chords print without a staff.

Here is a more complete example:

\score {
    \context ChordNames {
      \set chordChanges = ##t
      \chordmode {
        \repeat volta 2 {
          c2 c
        } \alternative { {
          f f
        } {
          f g
        } }
    \context Voice {
      \repeat volta 2 {
        c'2 c'
      } \alternative { {
        f' f'
      } {
        f' g'
      } }
      \bar "|."
  \layout { }


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