Yitz Gale wrote:
Paul Scott wrote:
Yitz Gale wrote:
The Chord Name engraver with chordChanges = #t
does not print the chord at the beginning
of a repeat alternative if the chord at the
end of the previous repeat alternative was
the same.

The way I read the 2.6 documentation

This bug is not specific to 2.6.
It affects 2.8 and 2.9 also (I think).
I just looked it up in the 2.6 documentation because you mentioned 2.6.3. I think the behavior hasn't changed and I don't think it's a bug in my understanding of how Lilypond works. See below.
...you want to set chordChanges = ##f if you
want the chord printing to change when you want
it to instead of when the chord changes.
Is that what you meant?

No. I want the chords to print when they change.
For this, I need to set chordChanges = ##t.
However, there is a bug that causes lilypond to skip
a chord in a certain case even though it is a change,
as described above, and as shown in my example.
Your example doesn't use the chordChanges = #t feature since you are changing the chords yourself. You have two f chords in the 1st ending. If you wanted the chordChanges = #t feature you would write f1.

Lilypond doesn't do anything special with notes or chords at endings so I don't believe this is a bug in Lilyponds way of doing things. Did you try chordChanges = #f ? I believe it will make your example do exactly what you want.

Indeed I just tried it and it does exactly what you said you wanted it to. To be exact the following works:

 \new ChordNames \with{ voltaOnThisStaff = ##t } {
   \set chordChanges = ##f
   \chordmode {
     \repeat volta 2 {
       c2 c
     } \alternative { {
       f f
     } {
       f g
     } }



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