Paul Scott wrote:
Joe Neeman wrote:
On 12/28/06, *Paul Scott* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    In 2.11.4 the following code doesn't pad the text over the R1.  It
fine otherwise. It also fails with outside-staff-padding. I see now
    that 2.11.5 is out.  It also fails with 2.11.5.

For some reason that I don't know, a markup over a multimeasure rest is a MultiMeasureRestText, not a TextScript.
Ok.  A work around is << s1^\markup{ text } R1 >>

I wasn't doing that because the example that got me to this problem was trying:

<< s1^\markup{ xxx } R1*12 >>

which would split the MM rest into a one bar and an 11 bar rest. I changed the s1 to s1*12 to fix my real problem. In many cases the two parts of simultaneous music didn't have to be equal as long as the longest one had the correct length. I don't yet know if that's still true.


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