I'll try to clarify some more. :-)

On Jan 28, 2008 3:53 PM, Risto Vääräniemi wrote:
> If you have just one note (and syllable) in the alternative voice you
> have to call both the setting and unsetting commands before that
> syllable. Could that confuse LP?
> The alternate melodies have stems pointing down.

The NOT syllable should be attached to the first note of the third
measure and the rest of the lyrics should be shifted to the right
accordingly. The OK is attached to the half note and it's OK. :-)

In the previous example the last two measures were there just to show
that if the alternative part has two notes / syllables it works. I
boiled down the example closer to Matti's example.


%%% Clip %%%
\version "2.11.37"

\paper{ ragged-right=##t }

\new Voice = "melody"
    \time 2/4 \stemUp
    c'4 c'
    \new Voice = "alternate"
       { \stemDown  c'2 }
       { \stemUp c'4 c' }
   c'4 c'

\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" \lyricmode
    one \set associatedVoice = alternate two
    \set associatedVoice = melody
    OK NOT five
%%% END %%%

<<attachment: associatedvoice3.png>>

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