Status: Accepted
Owner: v.villenave
CC: gpermus,  Carl.D.Sorensen
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Regression OpSys-All

New issue 838 by v.villenave: Inconsistency in tests output size

This problem has been reported by Carl, see

When having a look at
you can see that the test output tarball's size is quite inconsistent
between consecutive versions.
This has happened before (for instance between 2.11.27 and 2.11.34), but
now it's happening again: between 2.13.1 and 2.13.2 the size has doubled,
from 70 to 136 MB.

As Carl noted, this may have something to do with the size of eps files,
that are much heavier (as much as 1000% from the previous size!).

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