On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 7:14 PM, Urs Liska <lilyli...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Sorry if I should be asking for something that is already possible, but at
> least I don't know of it ...
> Tweaking slurs and similar curves is a matter of trial and error, although
> David's functions that expect offsets instead of hardcoded control-points
> greatly simplify it.
> It would be a really valuable feature if one could let LilyPond display
> the control-points of a bezier curve.
> I would imagine something like a cross or a point at the middle two
> control-points.
> It should be settable through e.g.
>    \paper { display-control-points = ##t }
> (like annotate-spacing)
> Is that of general interest?
> And does it look complicated?
> Best
> Urs

Greetings, Urs and list members :

Your request for an enhancement has been submitted as issue 2510 :

Enjoy your music writing/transcribing/playing,

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