Am 04.05.2012 04:12, schrieb David Nalesnik:

Hi Urs,

        But this really _is_ helping to find suitable values for the

I'm very glad to hear this!

         * Although I know bezier curves from vector graphics software, I
           also was convinced that the 'control-points' were four
        points on
           the curve that define its shape.

Initially I did too...

         * In fact the first and last are such points, whereas the
        middle two
           'control-points' are the 'handles'.
           -> Is this explained somewhere?
         * From seeing the crosses I now realize that (when using your
           function) all four offsets are relative to LilyPond's original
           Well, if you think about it, that's quite obvious, but I always
           assumed that if I change one offset the other
        control-points would
           be affected accordingly.
           But in fact they aren't. So if I for example raise the
        endpoint of
           a slur, the third control-point may well get below the slur.
           This makes me understand the seemingly strange behaviour of the
slurs when fiddling with the offsets.
         * -> Probably it'll greatly improve my 'tweaking experience',
           if I have seen this only once, not to speak if I manage to
           this in a real-life workflow ...
           So, many thanks once more, David!

You're very welcome! I've been playing around with it a bit myself, and I'm becoming more and more convinced that something like this would be a very useful feature.

You can also use it to show you the effect of changing other properties. For example, you can see the effects of overriding 'height-limit and 'eccentricity. I'm finding it very instructive.

    At least one thing, which I did do right now:
    I compiled one score with and without your cross setting, and
    comparing the two pdfs with Alt-Tab showed that the layout was
    perfectly identical - except for the additional crosses.
    So obviously the crosses are added after LilyPond decides about
    the layout.

I'm very glad to hear this! My worry was that the crosses might push staves further apart in extreme situations.
Now I checked this and was glad to see that the crosses/lines happily print over adjacent staves without influencing them at all. Which is another point for using it together with the lines.

I think your shapeXXX functions together with this option make a _very_ useful toolset for working with curves. I will gladly try to package this in some way and do anything to help making it accessible (if not directly within the LilyPond site then maybe through a tutorial)



Thanks for trying this out!


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