Eluze <elu...@gmail.com> writes:

> no way to conceal the errors made in this score - there is no string
> called "zero" and if it is a fingering indication (which it probably
> is) the circle shouldn't be there

Since string numbers are otherwise used consistently, and since
fingerings of 0 are being used as well, and there is plenty of both
circled and uncircled 0, I am pretty sure that there is some meaning to
it.  I just have no idea _which_ meaning.  "Use the thumb" also does not
really work out, I think, and would be rather unusual in a classical
score (I have some Mozart menuet or so where I am pretty sure that one
note is to be played with the nose or whatever, but that would be
untypical for a guitar).

> I go with Harm saying LilyPond shouldn't crash if such stupid things
> happen

No question about that.

David Kastrup

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