Follow-up Comment #12, bug #15757 (project make):

We are getting nearer. The problem is actually occuring in
merge_variable_set_list. Here is the stack:

(dbx) where
  [1] merge_variable_set_lists(setlist0 = 0xf1868, setlist1 = 0x715fd8), line
735 in "variable.c"
=>[2] rehash_file(from_file = 0xb70858, to_hname = 0x3d0b0e8
"/view/normanw_9.1/vobs/CONNECT_ROOT/bin/"), line 294 in "file.c"
  [3] f_mtime(file = 0xb70858, search = 1), line 1245 in "remake.c"
  [4] check_dep(file = 0xb70858, depth = 3U, this_mtime = 1ULL, must_make_ptr
= 0xffbfe668), line 969 in "remake.c"
  [5] check_dep(file = 0xd69b0, depth = 2U, this_mtime = 1ULL, must_make_ptr
= 0xffbfe71c), line 1008 in "remake.c"
  [6] update_file_1(file = 0x95a98, depth = 1U), line 505 in "remake.c"
  [7] update_file(file = 0x95a98, depth = 0), line 307 in "remake.c"
  [8] update_goal_chain(goals = 0x1ec5c0), line 156 in "remake.c"
  [9] main(argc = 5, argv = 0xffbff594, envp = 0xffbff5ac), line 2203 in

Now I don't know whether something went wrong here, or something had earlier
made this file's variable list circular. At this point I can't tell because
the damage has already been done.

(dbx) print *from_file
*from_file = {
    (*from_file).name   = 0xe08200 "CONNECT_ROOT/bin/"
    (*from_file).hname  = 0x3d0b0e8
    (*from_file).vpath  = (nil)
    (*from_file).deps   = (nil)
    (*from_file).cmds   = (nil)
    command_flags       = 0
    (*from_file).stem   = (nil)
    (*from_file).also_make = (nil)
    last_mtime          = 0
    mtime_before_update = 0
    (*from_file).prev   = (nil)
    (*from_file).renamed = (nil)
    (*from_file).variables = 0x3cfa958
    (*from_file).pat_variables = (nil)
    (*from_file).parent = 0xd69b0
    (*from_file).double_colon = (nil)
    update_status       = -1
    command_state       = cs_not_started
    precious            = 0
    low_resolution_time = 0
    tried_implicit      = 1U
    updating            = 1U
    updated             = 0
    is_target           = 0
    cmd_target          = 0
    phony               = 0
    intermediate        = 1U
    secondary           = 0
    dontcare            = 0
    ignore_vpath        = 0
    pat_searched        = 1U
    considered          = 0
(dbx) print *to_file
*to_file = {
    (*to_file).name     = 0xafb48
    (*to_file).hname    = 0xafb48
    (*to_file).vpath    = (nil)
    (*to_file).deps     = (nil)
    (*to_file).cmds     = (nil)
    command_flags       = 0
    (*to_file).stem     = (nil)
    (*to_file).also_make = (nil)
    last_mtime          = 1222858067700350979ULL
    mtime_before_update = 1222858067700350979ULL
    (*to_file).prev     = (nil)
    (*to_file).renamed  = (nil)
    (*to_file).variables = 0x2ac9220
    (*to_file).pat_variables = (nil)
    (*to_file).parent   = (nil)
    (*to_file).double_colon = (nil)
    update_status       = 0
    command_state       = cs_finished
    precious            = 0
    low_resolution_time = 0
    tried_implicit      = 1U
    updating            = 0
    updated             = 1U
    is_target           = 0
    cmd_target          = 0
    phony               = 0
    intermediate        = 0
    secondary           = 0
    dontcare            = 0
    ignore_vpath        = 0
    pat_searched        = 1U
    considered          = 0

I think I'm going to apply the 64 bit inode patch and see if that's the


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