On Sat, 2019-09-14 at 22:31 -0400, Dmitry Goncharov wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 14, 2019 at 6:27 PM Paul Smith <psm...@gnu.org> wrote:
> > Your setting of LANG or LC_MESSAGES
> > cannot make any difference to the test suite because the test suite
> > does not pass those values to the make that it invokes.
> Paul, that's the output from the perl program (called base) that is
> affected by the env variable. The output from gmake is all right.

I see.  However, that should not be the case either (and in fact, as I
showed in my previous email, it doesn't fail for me when I explicitly
set LC_MESSAGES to a different language on my system).

That's because before we try to detect these messages we explicitly set
the locale in Perl; see test_driver.pl:

  my $loc = undef;
  if ($has_POSIX) {
      $loc = POSIX::setlocale(POSIX::LC_MESSAGES);
      POSIX::setlocale(POSIX::LC_MESSAGES, 'C');
   ...get messages...
  $loc and POSIX::setlocale(POSIX::LC_MESSAGES, $loc);

So, the question is why does your Perl still provide language-specific

Hm.  It might be that we need to run "use locale;" as well.  It doesn't
seem necessary for me but maybe...?

FWIW, I don't want to change the shell script and call that done
because not everyone invokes the unit tests via the shell script: they
may invoke it via "perl run_make_tests.pl ..." directly.

Bug-make mailing list
  • patch locale ... Dmitry Goncharov via Bug reports and discussion for GNU make
    • Re: patc... Paul Smith
      • Re: ... Dmitry Goncharov via Bug reports and discussion for GNU make
        • ... Paul Smith
          • ... Paul Smith
          • ... Dmitry Goncharov via Bug reports and discussion for GNU make
            • ... Paul Smith
              • ... Dmitry Goncharov via Bug reports and discussion for GNU make
                • ... Paul Smith
                • ... Dmitry Goncharov via Bug reports and discussion for GNU make
                • ... Paul Smith
          • ... Andreas Schwab

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