Follow-up Comment #2, bug #59956 (project make):

It may seem trivial but in reality it's pretty hard to hit.  There is
essentially only one way it can happen (in valid make recipes), and that's by
using *.ONESHELL:*.

If you don't use *.ONESHELL:* then the only way it can happen is if you have a
program named *else* that you want to run, which no sane person would ever do,
but even if you did want to do that the shell will consider the *else* to be a
keyword; so you'd have to write *./else* or something and then make wouldn't
match it either.

If you do use *.ONESHELL:* then you need to have the entire recipe in a make
*if* block with *else* as its own token on the recipe line.  Using
*.ONESHELL:* is still not that common and putting entire rules inside an *if*
block is also not that common.  *ifeq* etc. are more commonly used around
variable assignments or maybe include files.


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