Follow-up Comment #10, bug #59956 (project make):

Using *otherwise* means that now if a recipe runs a program named *otherwise*,
it will start to fail whereas before it succeeded.

I'm really not jazzed about creating new esoteric syntax for this problem. 
Anyway, adding new syntax doesn't really help IMO.  There are already ways to
work around this problem by modifying the makefile: we don't need to create
anything new for that.  The hope is to find a way to make the current syntax
work "as expected", at least in the large majority of cases, without requiring
people to rewrite makefiles.

> Being able to indent the conditionals would be a big plus.

You CAN indent conditionals.  You just CAN'T indent them with the
*.RECIPEPREFIX* (TAB by default).

My feeling is that this is entirely reasonable.  Any attempt to allow TAB for
generic indentation by making a distinction between a recipe context and not a
recipe context is doomed to failure and future pain, and this has been true
ever since *ifeq* was invented.

If you really need to use TAB for indentation then you should modify your
makefiles to use a different *.RECIPEPREFIX* value.  Anything else is madness,
or at least leads that way.

Anyway that's my $0.02.


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