Follow-up Comment #15, bug #63307 (project make):

Whether that's "equally likely" is something we are probably going to disagree
over, especially in the case where output (or potentially error) is piped to
another process, but not worth getting into a discussion about. Suffice to
say, it is indeed possible that the spawned processes would produce no output,
and letting make continue would potentially allow a build to complete
successfully. Whether that's desirable is going to depend on the user.
Speaking only for myself, the most realistic scenario I can think of where I
would encounter this myself is if I run 'make 2>&1 | less' and then quit less.
In that case I would not be interested in having any build continue, I would
just want to get back to my prompt, but I'm happy to accept that other
scenarios may exist where other users may want something different.


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