On Thu, 16 Nov 2023 at 09:11, Tim <invalid.nore...@gnu.org> wrote:

> Follow-up Comment #4, bug #64571 (project make):
> ....
> > I'm just skeptical that this wouldn't degenerate into a morass of
> conflicting requests for new features.
> Maybe. But this is clearly a highly demanded feature just for
> auto-complete/discovery. Seems mean to deny it just because people might
> ask
> for other things too.

Another way to deal with this type of problem (apart from giving make more
extensibility through plugins that could be activated on specific
conditions) would be to have a fork of gnu make with "light" changes - all
made in the right style and without being "too deep" so that it could
easily track the original.   One could try ideas out there. Someone would
have to maintain it obviously and there would be the assumption that it was
not stable - so one could try out a new feature and keep breaking it until
it "was right".  Then it might reach a state where including it in the
mainline didn't seem so risky.

FWIW, I think it would be useful to provide any such fork with a way of
reporting what features were getting used, on what platforms etc.  It's
difficult to make decisions about the impact of changes without knowing
if/how the affected features are being used.



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