Per and all,

    In TeX inside @math: ^{TEXT}
    In TeX otherwise: use a macro ...

I'm thinking that TeX, either inside or outside @math, should treat TEXT
as text, not math.  That is, if you simply want to produce the math
expression a-to-the-power-of-b, you'd write @math{a^b}, rather than
@math{a@sup{b}}.  The difference is whether b is typeset in math italic
or roman.  After all, sometimes people want to typeset a word in math,
as in @math{a@sup{first}}.

This seems more consistent with the treatment in the other output
formats.  Also, since there's already a way to get math
super/subscripts, but no way to get text super/subscripts, we might as
well provide something new.

Unless there's an argument otherwise?

(FYI, Patrice has already implemented @sub and @sup per your suggestion
+ discussion in texi2any.)


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