
I agree that there's an impedance mismatch here between Texinfo
and DocBook.  That makes it harder to deal with than I would like, too.
I really DON'T enjoy making the lives of the Texinfo maintainers
miserable... :-( (Yes Karl, I hear you snorting in the back there... :-)

> On 6 April 2016 at 22:00, Karl Berry <k...@freefriends.org> wrote:
> >             <index role="cp"></index>
> >
> > How can it be correct to omit output from the @node and @unnumbered?

If I wrapped them in @ifnotdocbook ... :-)

> > Docbook cannot know the name I want to give to my index.  And the whole
> > node tree would be screwed up.  And what if there is other text in the
> > node besides the @printindex?  I don't get it.  Not that it's my
> > business any more ...  -k
> That's exactly what I thought.
> ....
>         @node Concept Index
>         @unnumbered Index
>         aaaaa
>         @printindex cp
>         bbbbb
>         @bye
> What should the output be? Three separate chapters?

Beats me.  I understand the issue.

> Does invalid DocBook output cause problems with validation?

Yes.  The <index> comes out inside a chapter and the docbook
doesn't validate.

> Would it be better to remove the <index> output completely and have no
> output for an index?

Most likely. The <index/> needs to be after the previous </chapter>
closing tag and I don't see any way to force that.  I can think of
something ugly like:

        @node Concept Index
        @unnumbered Index

        @printindex cp
        @end ifnotdocbook

        @bookcontentdone @c flush out chapters and appendices
        @printindex cp
        @end ifdocbook


Hmm... That's almost reasonable. :-)



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