Well, it normally should work with this:
  wget "https://collabnet.net/servlets/adhocquery"; --user="username"
--password="password" --post-data "select * from emp" -O output_filename

But then according to the man page, wget only supports post-data this is in
urlencoded format like "key=value&key2=value2" so wget might not support
sql queries at all. Perhaps cURL works better for your use case.


2012/1/20 Bhargavi N <bhagc...@gmail.com>

> Including the team to this mail chain..
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Bhargavi N <bhagc...@gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 4:30 PM
> Subject: Re: [Bug-wget] Regarding wget to download webpage
> To: Dayanand Kumbhar <kdayan...@gmail.com>, tle...@exelana.com,
> keis...@gmail.com
> Hello Everyone,
>  I am extremely thankful to all of you for the help regarding wget. But
> still i am unable to get the right page downloaded.
> Requirement:
>  I need to run adhoc sql query on remote web page. ie; collabnet. The
> webpage has text area where i can enter sql query and then click submit.
> Once i submit sql runs and results are displayed in the page.
> This REMOTE page is call to servlet ie;
> https://collabnet.net/servlets/adhocquery for example.
> I want to pass SQL query as form data through POST/GET method and get the
> sql results page downloaded to my local directory on LINUX box. I am
> running wget on LINUX host on commandline / shell script.
> I will invoke wget with the URL https://collabnet.net/servlets/adhocqueryand
> formdata ie; SQL as --post-data "select * from emp". Finally i want to
> download the sql query results page to my local directory.
> I tried all the options that you suggested me, but still nable to get the
> right page. Every time it is displaying me the index page for collabnet,
> which i do not need. I need to run the servelet page with the formdata
> passed to it.
> Then i want to get the results page downloaded to my local directory on my
> linux host.
> Please help me regarding this.
> Again thanking all of you for your reply and helping me out.
> Thanks !
> Regards,
> Bhargavi
> On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 12:40 PM, Dayanand Kumbhar <kdayan...@gmail.com
> >wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > i am assuming you have to post the query string
> > You can use this
> >
> > wget -qO- http://example.com/page.php --post-data "SQL QUERY" | cat
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 12:24 PM, Bhargavi N <bhagc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> Hello Team,
> >>
> >>   My name is Bhargavi and i am working on UNIX for over 7years.
> >>
> >> I work on project, that needs to download results from remote web page.
> >> This web page has adhoc sql querying option. I need to run this sql
> query
> >> on webpage and get the results downloaded using wget.
> >>
> >> How can i do that ?
> >>
> >> Please suggest me way to download the results page using wget.
> >>
> >> Thanks !
> >>
> >> Warm Regards,
> >> Bhargavi
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Dayanand Kumbhar
> >

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