Hello Henrik,

   Thanks Thanks Thanks a LOT!!

Thanks Entire wget team for helping me so generously. Even in your busy

Issue is now resolved.

I used Live HTTP headers add on as suggested by you and it really helped me.

Initially i passed all the headers as displayed in the capture window,
with "--header" option of wget.

Later i understood that session details have to be captured.

I used "--keep-session-cookies" option of wget, since sessions details have
to be saved.

I saved the session details in cookies.txt, which i used later to load
ADHOC query page and run the query.

Below are the commands i used to get the query results.

wget -O logon.html --keep-session-cookies --save-cookies cookies.txt
 --post-data 'loginID=mylogon&password=mypasswd'

wget -O query_res.html --load-cookies cookies.txt "

Special thanks to you and whole team for sparing your time to help me out
with the issue.

Please let me know if i can be part of your team or i can be of any help to


With wishes,

On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 3:20 PM, Henrik Holst

> I looked at your web site and it does not perform standard http
> authentication so --username and --password cannot be used to logon to
> that page.
> You have to supply the username and password using --post-data there
> aswell. If you had followed my advice to use the Live Headers extension
> with Firefox you would have seen exactly what to do, please use that
> tool aswell as learn some http basics and you will soon learn how to
> perform what you want. Because since we do not have access to that site
> of yours (no username or password) we as a community will have quite
> some hard time to tell you exactly how to proceed since we cannot test
> things at our end.
> Anyways, as I wrote I tested to perform a logon attempt with the site
> and with Live HTTP Headers extension active I could see that the
> authentication should be performed like this:
> wget --post-data "detour=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.collabnet.timeinc.net%
> 2F&loginID=username&password=password&Login=Login" --save-cookies
> cookies.txt "https://www.collabnet.timeinc.net/servlets/TLogin";
> Replace the "username" and "password" in the post data with your account
> details.
> However since I have no account on that site of yours, I do not know if
> this really works and whether the detour=xxx thing is really needed and
> whether you have to also add a Referer: header or not to the request.
> So if I where you:
> 1. Install Live HTTPS Headers extension in Firefox
> 2. Open it's capture window
> 3. Perform a logon and a sql query
> 4. Study the results in the capture window and try to mimic what you see
> with wget.
> /HH
> tis 2012-01-24 klockan 10:11 +0530 skrev Bhargavi N:
> > Hello Henrik,
> >
> >
> >    I am saving the log on details in the cookies same way as you have
> > mentioned.
> >
> >
> > But cookie file looks empty..
> >
> >
> > Next i loaded the cookie.txt with the
> > URL: https://www.collabnet.timeinc.net/servlets/AdHocQuery
> >
> >
> > I saved the results page and then opened in firefox, i get the same
> > logon page to ollabnet instead of results page.
> >
> >
> > Steps to run the query:
> >
> >
> > 1) I need to logon to collabnet website:
> > https://www.collabnet.timeinc.net
> >
> >
> > 2) In the collabnet website, we have an option to run the query:
> >
> >
> > https://www.collabnet.timeinc.net/servlets/AdHocQuery
> >
> >
> > I need to go to this page and then need to provide SQL query in the
> > query text area.
> >
> >
> > Then need to submit the button "Run Query", which will submit the
> > query.
> >
> >
> > 3) Next need to download the results page to my local directoy on
> > LINUX box.
> >
> >
> > Please help me regarding this.
> >
> >
> > Thanks !
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> > Bhargavi
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 12:43 PM, Henrik Holst
> > <henrik.ho...@millistream.com> wrote:
> >         Ok,
> >
> >           most probably the first site (where you logon) returns a
> >         cookie which you must present to the other site (where you
> >         perform the sql-query). So
> >
> >         wget --username xx --password yy "https://collabnet website"
> >         -O /dev/null --save-cookies cookies.txt
> >
> >         That will logon and save the resulting cookie in the
> >         cookies.txt file. Next you have to send this cookie and your
> >         query to the other site:
> >
> >         whet --load-cookies cookies.txt "https://the query site"
> >         --post-data "the query" -O result
> >
> >         And the result should be in the result file.
> >
> >         Now as Angel Gonzales wrote you probably have to send the
> >         query using the form like --post-data "query=Select%20*%20From
> >         %20table" where the sql query in question has to be
> >         url-encoded (something that wget cannot do for you) which is
> >         mostly replave all spaces with %20 and also all occurences of
> >         +, &, " and ' with their respective %hex code.
> >
> >         A easy way to see exactly which formfield to use in the
> >         post-data is to install the Live Headers extension to Firefox
> >         and open it's capture window and peform the query on the site
> >         using Firefox, you'll then get to see the exact query, what
> >         the GET string is, what the post-data is etc. It's a very good
> >         start to go from.
> >
> >
> >         /HH
> >
> >         2012/1/20 Bhargavi N <bhagc...@gmail.com>
> >                 I meant i am unable to logon with to the website.
> >
> >
> >                 Sorry, to confuse you with lot of questions.
> >
> >
> >                 I have to logon to collabnet website first, providing
> >                 username and passwd.
> >
> >
> >                 Next i want to go to servlet page where i can provide
> >                 SQL query in the textarea of the form.
> >
> >
> >                 Then i need to submit the form and download the
> >                 results page to my local directory in linux box.
> >
> >
> >                 I will be running wget command on linux box.
> >
> >
> >                 Please help me regarding this.
> >
> >
> >                 Thanks !
> >
> >
> >                 Regards,
> >                 Bhargavi
> >
> >
> >
> >                 On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 7:20 PM, Bhargavi N
> >                 <bhagc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >                         Hi  Henrik,
> >
> >
> >                            Thanks for the reply.
> >
> >
> >                         But when i run as you have suggested me, then
> >                         i get the login page of the collabnet
> >                         website..
> >
> >
> >                         instead of the servlet page where i can enter
> >                         sql.
> >
> >
> >                         Please help me !
> >
> >
> >                         I am unable to logon to that page 1st.
> >
> >
> >                         Thanks!
> >
> >
> >                         Regards,
> >                         Bhargavi
> >
> >
> >                         On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 4:44 PM, Henrik Holst
> >                         <henrik.ho...@millistream.com> wrote:
> >                                 Well, it normally should work with
> >                                 this:
> >                                   wget
> >                                 "
> https://collabnet.net/servlets/adhocquery"; --user="username"
> --password="password" --post-data "select * from emp" -O output_filename
> >
> >                                 But then according to the man page,
> >                                 wget only supports post-data this is
> >                                 in urlencoded format like
> >                                 "key=value&key2=value2" so wget might
> >                                 not support sql queries at all.
> >                                 Perhaps cURL works better for your use
> >                                 case.
> >
> >                                 /HH
> >
> >
> >                                 2012/1/20 Bhargavi N
> >                                 <bhagc...@gmail.com>
> >                                         Including the team to this
> >                                         mail chain..
> >
> >                                         ---------- Forwarded message
> >                                         ----------
> >                                         From: Bhargavi N
> >                                         <bhagc...@gmail.com>
> >                                         Date: Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at
> >                                         4:30 PM
> >                                         Subject: Re: [Bug-wget]
> >                                         Regarding wget to download
> >                                         webpage
> >                                         To: Dayanand Kumbhar
> >                                         <kdayan...@gmail.com>,
> >                                         tle...@exelana.com,
> >                                         keis...@gmail.com
> >
> >
> >
> >                                         Hello Everyone,
> >
> >                                          I am extremely thankful to
> >                                         all of you for the help
> >                                         regarding wget. But
> >                                         still i am unable to get the
> >                                         right page downloaded.
> >
> >                                         Requirement:
> >
> >                                          I need to run adhoc sql query
> >                                         on remote web page. ie;
> >                                         collabnet. The
> >                                         webpage has text area where i
> >                                         can enter sql query and then
> >                                         click submit.
> >
> >                                         Once i submit sql runs and
> >                                         results are displayed in the
> >                                         page.
> >
> >                                         This REMOTE page is call to
> >                                         servlet ie;
> >
> https://collabnet.net/servlets/adhocquery for example.
> >
> >                                         I want to pass SQL query as
> >                                         form data through POST/GET
> >                                         method and get the
> >                                         sql results page downloaded to
> >                                         my local directory on LINUX
> >                                         box. I am
> >                                         running wget on LINUX host on
> >                                         commandline / shell script.
> >
> >                                         I will invoke wget with the
> >                                         URL
> >
> https://collabnet.net/servlets/adhocquery and
> >                                         formdata ie; SQL as
> >                                         --post-data "select * from
> >                                         emp". Finally i want to
> >                                         download the sql query results
> >                                         page to my local directory.
> >
> >                                         I tried all the options that
> >                                         you suggested me, but still
> >                                         nable to get the
> >                                         right page. Every time it is
> >                                         displaying me the index page
> >                                         for collabnet,
> >                                         which i do not need. I need to
> >                                         run the servelet page with the
> >                                         formdata
> >                                         passed to it.
> >
> >                                         Then i want to get the results
> >                                         page downloaded to my local
> >                                         directory on my
> >                                         linux host.
> >
> >                                         Please help me regarding this.
> >
> >                                         Again thanking all of you for
> >                                         your reply and helping me out.
> >
> >                                         Thanks !
> >
> >                                         Regards,
> >                                         Bhargavi
> >
> >                                         On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 12:40
> >                                         PM, Dayanand Kumbhar
> >                                         <kdayan...@gmail.com>wrote:
> >
> >                                         > Hi
> >                                         >
> >                                         > i am assuming you have to
> >                                         post the query string
> >                                         > You can use this
> >                                         >
> >                                         > wget -qO-
> >                                         http://example.com/page.php
> >                                         --post-data "SQL QUERY" | cat
> >                                         >
> >                                         >
> >                                         > On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at
> >                                         12:24 PM, Bhargavi N
> >                                         <bhagc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >                                         >
> >                                         >> Hello Team,
> >                                         >>
> >                                         >>   My name is Bhargavi and i
> >                                         am working on UNIX for over
> >                                         7years.
> >                                         >>
> >                                         >> I work on project, that
> >                                         needs to download results from
> >                                         remote web page.
> >                                         >> This web page has adhoc sql
> >                                         querying option. I need to run
> >                                         this sql query
> >                                         >> on webpage and get the
> >                                         results downloaded using wget.
> >                                         >>
> >                                         >> How can i do that ?
> >                                         >>
> >                                         >> Please suggest me way to
> >                                         download the results page
> >                                         using wget.
> >                                         >>
> >                                         >> Thanks !
> >                                         >>
> >                                         >> Warm Regards,
> >                                         >> Bhargavi
> >                                         >>
> >                                         >
> >                                         >
> >                                         >
> >                                         > --
> >                                         > Dayanand Kumbhar
> >                                         >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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