On 03/21/2018 07:11 PM, Aniketh Gireesh wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm Aniketh Girish, a computer science undergraduate from India. Just
> giving a small introduction about myself, I am quite convenient with open
> source contribution and I have done GSoC last year with KDE under Krita, a
> graphics libre software.
> I was interested in a project inside Wget2 called DNS-over-HTTPS and I have
> prepared a proposal for the same[1].
> Review from the community before submission is really vital and I wish if I
> could get a review on this so that I could improve on the proposal much
> more and gain better clarity about the project as well as learn about my
> mistakes.
> Look forward towards your suggestions and comments :)

Hi Anikesh,

your proposal very well written with a good amount of details. I enjoyed
reading it, good work !

Daniel Stenberg already mentioned a few points and I guess he is
currently *the* expert for DoH client implementation.

There is not much to add from my side, just a few remarks.

This link is absolutely not relevant for Wget2:
  2. http://wget.addictivecode.org/OptionsHowto.html
We should write up something similar for Wget2 to give contributors an
easy start.

You mention two paths for the sources, wget2/libdns and wget2/dnslib.
Accidentally or did I miss something ?
You could also put the files into libwget/ - and skip building these
files in the Makefile.am using a 'conditional' from configure.ac.

So you also need a configure flag (e.g. --enable-dns-over-https
[default: on]).

Maybe you change the (protocol independent) '--dns-resolver' to a more
specific '--doh-resolver'.

With Best Regards, Tim

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