On Mon, Nov 04, 2019 at 12:19:33AM +0100, Darshit Shah wrote:
> Hi Francesco,
> This issue has indeed been reported multiple times in the past. While it is
> confusing, the text "Success" is out of our hands. It is the value of
> `perror()` after we encounter that a system call resulted in the error.

The value of errno does not live long. After any library call
it can be destroyed. So the code in http.c

        case FWRITEERR: case FOPENERR:
          /* Another fatal error.  */
          logputs (LOG_VERBOSE, "\n");
          logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("Cannot write to %s (%s).\n"),
                     quote (hstat.local_file), strerror (errno));

seems broken. The value of errno must be saved if its value is needed later.

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