The documentation for zic2xpm says that it converts ZIICS pieces to xpm
format. ZIICS is an old program from way back that few are likely to
remember anymore. If zic2xpm works on ChessBase pieces, that's news to me
-- where did you hear that? I guess it's possible that ZIICS used ChessBase
pieces and I never knew...

On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 11:44 AM, <> wrote:

> Op Zo, 29 september, 2013 8:12 pm schreef Arun Persaud:
> >
> > Tim: I also removed zic2xpm from git, which I guess is not that usefull
> > anymore anyway?
> >
> Hmm, I did not think of zic2xpm. As I understand it this can only be used
> by legal owners of a ChessBase GUI to convert their nice piece images from
> some ChessBase proprietary format to xpm. I don't have any ChessBase
> products, so I don't know if they even use this graphics format. If not,
> then zic2xpm is obviously completely useless.
> If zic2xpm still does work on ChessBase pieces, however, it could still be
> useful despite XBoard not supporting xpm anymore: with a utility like
> 'convert' you could convert the xpm to png, which we do support.
> >
> > We still need to package them though, so that they are in the tar-ball
> > and can get installed into the right place at one point.
> >
> True. But there are many things we package without installing them in the
> $(datadir). Like the .c files, or
> H.G.
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