Well, Stockfish is a UCI engine, so you cannot expect it to work without
the -fUCI option. (I.e., from command line launch XBoard as "xboard -fcp
stockfish -fUCI". And be sure Polyglot is installed.) Why this would lead
to Stockfish exiting, (which is what the "broken pipe" suggests), rather
than just playing dead is not clear to me. But perhaps it is programmed to
exit when the first command it receives is "xboard" rather than "uci", and
that this is what distinguishes it from other engines. That should be easy
to test when running Stockfish itself from the command line.

The fact that only Stockfish exhibits this problem and other engines not
suggests it is a Stockfish problem. That Stockfish 'works flawlessly' when
launched from the console is not really conclusive when you don't give it
exactly the same commands from the console as XBoard does. To get more
info on the problem you can launch XBoard with the additional option
-debug ; it will then create a file xboard.debug in the current directory
which, amongst others, lists all communication that went on between XBoard
and the engine(s).

Op Do, 28 maart, 2019 8:56 pm schreef Giorgos:
> URL:
> <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?56024>
> Summary: StockFish engine, doesn't seems to work (crashes).
> Project: XBoard
> Submitted by: giorgosk67
> Submitted on: Thu 28 Mar 2019 07:56:08 PM UTC
> Category: XBoard (GTK version)
> Severity: 3 - Normal
> Item Group: Crash
> Status: None
> Assigned to: None
> Open/Closed: Open
> Discussion Lock: Any
> Release: None
> _______________________________________________________
> Details:
> While XBoard can load other chess engines flawlessly, trying to load (as
> 1st
> or 2nd engine) Stockfish, gives the message: "xboard: Error writing to
> first chess program: Broken pipe". Pressing OK, terminates the program.
> Launching it from console (eg. xboard -fcp stockfish), doesn;t make much
> difference. It avoids the crash, but the engine remains non-functional.
> I have the latest stable version (4.9.1) from repositories.
> Stockfish version, also latest stable (Stockfish 10 64 POPCNT), on Devuan
> ASCII (stable) x64 KDE (Debian stable based).
> Also tried Stockfish repo version, with the same results.
> The problem seems to be from the XBoard's side, because launching
> stockfish from console, seems to work flawlessly.
> _______________________________________________________
> Reply to this item at:
> <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?56024>
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> https://savannah.gnu.org/
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