Could I suggest an addition to the FAQ, since I think this problem is
an "issue" that might become more prevalent as such drives become more
common? I would suggest something like the following two sentences,
perhaps at the end of the paragraph quoted from the FAQ (sorry for not
diffing): "A drive that reports something other than 512 bytes/sector
in disklabel(8) may not be supported by softraid. Multi-terabyte
drives, for example, may report something like 4096 bytes/sector."

14.8 - What are the issues regarding large drives with OpenBSD?
FFS vs. FFS2
Using FFS, OpenBSD supports an individual file system of up to 2^31-1,
or 2,147,483,647 blocks, and as each block is 512 bytes, that's a tiny
amount less than 1T. FFS2 is capable of much larger file systems,
though other limits will be reached long before the file system limits
will be reached.


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