On Sat, Jun 04, 2016 at 11:16:32PM +0200, Remi Locherer wrote:
> On my installation the upgrade process looks like this (snapshot bsd.rd
> from Jun 2):
> [...]

> iwm0: no link ........... sleeping

> My /etc/hostname.iwm0:
> nwid tsunami wpakey XXXX
> dhcp
> inet6 autoconf
> !pkill -9 -lf wifinwid
> !/etc/wifinwid \$if &

Please add a 'debug' line at the top of your hostname.iwm0 file.
That might reveal more of what's going on.

Additionally, could you build a release with IWM_DEBUG defined
in if_iwm.c and try bsd.rd from that? This would again print more.

Is there a difference between cold boots (i.e. power up) and warm
boots (i.e. reboots) to bsd.rd?

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