This isn't a bug per se, more of an incongruity in how security-centric tools 
work wrt root, specifically doas and chroot/su/other:

  joe@drogo$ doas -s
  drogo# doas -u chohag -s
  doas (root@drogo) password:
  doas: Authorization failed
  drogo# chroot -u chohag /
  drogo$ ^D
  drogo# su -l chohag
  drogo$ ^D

Obviously a little one-liner or tiny C app could achieve the same result too.

I assume this is more or less known, since each tool is working to its designed 
spec, so is the above ultimately the desired behaviour? Should doas ask even 
for root's password while myriad other ways of obtaining any user ID do and 
probably always will exist?

On some servers root doesn't have a password.


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