
You may want to check this out.


On 2020-02-06 23:56, George Koehler wrote:
On Wed, 5 Feb 2020 22:31:52 -0700
Aaron Bieber <> wrote:

On Wed, 05 Feb 2020 at 20:29:31 +0100, William Orr wrote:

On recent a snap (04/02/2020), the unpriv'ed process of Xorg seems to hang,
becoming totally unresponsive. Running `ktrace` on the process fails to log
any output. `top` shows that the process is waiting on `fsleep`. I'm using the
amdgpu driver.
Similar issue here. It seems to happen randomly (possibly more often under high
memory usage). It's always after X has started and I have been using it for
some time (days sometimes).

MPD will continue to play music in the background and pressing the power button
for a few seconds seems to result in a shutdown, however, it doesn't quite
shutdown properly. The screen will go blank and the fans will start to spin at
full speed. At which point holding the power button seems to be the only fix.
I studied my problem with startxfce4 (where Xorg gets stuck and I use
Ctrl+Alt+BackSpace to reset Xorg), but that is a different bug,
not an amdgpu glitch.

Today, I froze Xorg in a different way.  I was stressing supertuxkart
on my amdgpu machine by playing at full screen (1920x1080), graphics
setting 6, and 19 AI karts.  This sometimes causes a visual glitch
where objects in the game either disappear or cast large black shadows.
There is a LOADING screen before each race.  The LOADING screen seems
to decide the amount of glitches in each race: none, few, or many.
If I reload the track, I may have more or fewer glitches.

Today, my last race got stuck at the LOADING screen.  Xorg stopped
responding to the keyboard: Ctrl+Alt+F4 (to switch virtual console)
didn't work.  The system was still alive: ping(8) and ssh(1) continued
to work (from a second computer to the amdgpu machine).  In the ssh(1)
session, top(1) showed one thread of supertuxkart being consistently
"onproc" even though the machine was mostly idle.  I became root and
attached egdb (from package gdb-7.12.1p9) to supertuxkart.

The thread seemed to be stuck in DRM_IOCTL_AMDGPU_WAIT_CS, called from
/usr/xenocara/lib/libdrm/amdgpu/amdgpu_cs.c; this appears to call
/sys/dev/pci/drm/amd/amdgpu_cs.c amdgpu_cs_wait_ioctl().

I detached egdb, then told top(1) to kill supertuxkart.  The system
stopped answering ping(8), and top(1) froze.  In top(1), supertuxkart
had WAIT "drmweti" and Xorg had wait "dmafenc".  I forced a reboot.

The rest of this mail is a backtrace of one thread of
supertuxkart-0.9.3p0 (copy from photo, so beware of typos).  --George

(gdb) bt
#0  ioctl () at -:3
#1  0x000006d86059e3c0 in drmIoctl () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
#2  0x000006d941e83739 in amdgpu_cs_query_fence_status () from
#3  0x000006d8f800e951 in amdgpu_fence_wait () from
#4  0x000006d8f7f448a6 in si_fence_finish () from
#5  0x000006d8f79f04d3 in st_client_wait_sync () from
#6  0x000006d8f793136e in _mesa_ClientWaitSync () from
#7  0x000006d65d7c48d7 in DrawCalls::prepareDrawCalls(ShadowMatrices&,
#8  0x000006d65d887aee in ShaderBasedRenderer::renderScene(
        irr::scene::ICameraSceneNode*, float, bool, bool) ()
#9  0x000006d65d88a5c3 in ShaderBasedRenderer::render(float) ()
#10 0x000006d65d8068ed in IrrDriver::update(float) ()
#11 0x000006d65d9eaa0d in MainLoop::run() ()
#12 0x000006d65d9e74d0 in main ()
(gdb) info registers
rax     0x36            54
rbx     0x16e2a71b28d7  25162721994967
rcx     0x6d88cf49a3a   7527147543098
rdx     0x7f7ffffdc508  140187732395272
rsi     0xc0206449      3223348297      # DRM_IOCTL_AMDGPU_WAIT_CS
rdi     0x8             8
rbp     0x7f7ffffdc4e0  0x7f7ffffdc4e0
rsp     0x7f7ffffdc4b8  0x7f7ffffdc4b8
r8      0x6d88cf85cf8   7527147789560
r9      0x0             0
r10     0x0             0
r11     0x246           582
r12     0x8             8
r13     0x16e2a71b28d7  25162721994967
r14     0x7f7fffdc508   140187732395272
r15     0xc0206449      3223348297
rip     0x6d88cf49a3a   0x6d88cf49a3a <ioctl+10>

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