What does the replay feature actually do? Does it re-enter the commands
or just display the console output (like "cat typescript", but slower)?

On 2020/08/01 22:23, Soumendra Ganguly wrote:
> Theo,
>    Thank you for the feedback. I can understand why some of that
> functionality might be unnecessary if one only needs a hard copy of
> the terminal session. That is why [-r], [-p] are not applied by
> default.
> My patch for NetBSD script(1) has been accepted now. I will submit a
> PR to OpenBSD soon.
> Thank you.
> Soumendra
> On 8/1/20, Theo de Raadt <dera...@openbsd.org> wrote:
> > Soumendra Ganguly <soumen...@tamu.edu> wrote:
> >
> >> Hello, OpenBSD!
> >>        I am using script(1) to complement a program that I am writing.
> >> However, the current OpenBSD version of script(1) is very old [ based
> >> on NetBSD script(1) version 1.3 ].
> >
> > First off, it is not old.  We don't automatically grab changes from
> > completely distinct.  It has been completely seperate code for over 20
> > years.  Once in a while, an idea will show up, and get copied.
> >
> >> It does not have the [-r] and [-p]
> >> options that the current NetBSD version [ 1.21 ] does. FreeBSD's
> >> script(1) also has this functionality; util-linux provides similar
> >> functionality in the form of script(1)+scriptreplay(1).
> >
> > I am horrified by what I see; I could never see myself needing that
> > type of functionality, since it is so fragile.
> >
> > A replay of a sequence of previously issued commands will work fine for
> > very small steps, but when used for increasingly large missions it
> > quickly turns into a shitshow.
> >
> > The sequences captured will not generally contain error condition
> > checking along the way.  Therefore, input will be continue to be
> > injected even if a ecommand in the replay-case behaves different.
> >
> > This is effectively the same as software which is written without checking
> > error returns at every step, we encourage all re-useable software to be
> > written with error checks at every step, why add a subsystem which goes
> > against the grain?
> >
> > I think we should discourage new systems which behave like that.
> >
> >> Please consider merging the current NetBSD version into OpenBSD.
> >
> > Sorry, that is not how the development process in this project works.
> >

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