Soumendra Ganguly <> wrote:

> Theo,
>       The replay feature does not make script(1) re-enter the
> commands. It simply replays them on the terminal as if it were a video
> [ like "cat typescript" but slower ]. It is particularly useful if
> someone wants to replay [ not re-run ] a curses session [ such as a
> game or an editing session on vi ].
> I ended up writing my own program that has all the features that I
> wanted. However, there are a few small changes that I propose for
> usr.bin/script/script.c. I have not set up my VM to be able to use
> sendbug(1). I sent my patch in a separate email with the following as
> subject.

well, that's not the purpose of script, to have a special mode, creating
special files, which only it can can handle

the name for when things like that get added is "scope creep".

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