>Synopsis:    how to use <<disklabel -A -T ...>> to assign entire disk to /+swap
>Category:    system
    System      : OpenBSD 7.1
    Details     : OpenBSD 7.1 (GENERIC.MP) #465: Mon Apr 11 18:03:57 MDT 2022

    Architecture: OpenBSD.amd64
    Machine     : amd64

I'm trying to use <<disklabel -A -T ...>> to auto partition a disk
with most of the disk assigned to / but also with some swap.

My first attempt was:

    /    *
    swap    1G

Unfortunately "*" isn't valid.  My next attempt:

    /    1G-*
    swap    1G

created two 1G partitions (a=/, b=swap) leaving most of the disk free.
My next attempt:

    swap    1G
    /    1G-*

did assign most of the disk to /, but with a=swap and b=/ things
didn't end well.



My workaround was to use:

    /    1G-*

and ignore swap.

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