Henryk Paluch <hpal...@seznam.cz> writes:

> Hello!
>> The OpenBSD installer partitioning does not accept more than 15 partitions
>> with GPT (partitions 'c' and 'i' are already defined in advance by the
>> installer). It limits from partition 'a' to 'p', but GPT partitions must
>> support up to 128 partitions.
> It is actually more restricted:
> - yes, total amount of disklabel slices is 16 - 'a' to 'p'
> BUT:
> - only first 8 slices are reserved for OpenBSD slices inside single GPT
>   partition with OpenBSD ID. Where 'b' is reserved for swap, and 'c' is always
>   whole disk. So only 6 slices are available for slices inside OpenBSD 
> partition
> - another 8 slices are automatically used to map other GPT partitions. So you
>  can access from OpenBSD up to 8 others partitions in GPT.
> Later mechanism is done by function spoofgpt() in 
> /usr/src/sys/kern/subr_disk.c
> - see
> https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/src/sys/kern/subr_disk.c?rev=1.272&content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup
> To fully understand it, here is complex example of my GPT disk partitioning
> (note that I actually use BIOS mode, which is not officially supported on
> OpenBSD, but it works fine using Linux + GRUB to load OpenBSD kernel).
> GPT partitions as seen by OpenBSD fdisk:
> isk: sd0       Usable LBA: 34 to 937703054 [937703088 Sectors]
>    #: type                                 [       start:         size ]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    0: BIOS Boot                            [          34:         2014 ]
>    1: EFI Sys                              [        2048:      2097152 ]
>    2: Linux LVM                            [     2099200:    312473601 ]
>    3: EFI Sys                              [   314574848:       204800 ]
>    4: OpenBSD                              [   314779648:    102400000 ]
>    5: NetBSD                               [   417181696:    100663296 ]
>    6: 49f48d32-b10e-11dc-b99b-0019d1879648 [   517844992:     16777216 ]
>    7: 83bd6b9d-7f41-11dc-be0b-001560b84f0f [   534622208:         1024 ]
>    8: 516e7cb6-6ecf-11d6-8ff8-00022d09712b [   534623232:    104856576 ]
>    9: 516e7cb5-6ecf-11d6-8ff8-00022d09712b [   639479808:     16777216 ]
>   10: Linux files*                         [   656257024:    104857600 ]
> And here is disklabel (omitted header):
> 16 partitions:
> #                size           offset  fstype [fsize bsize   cpg]
>   a:         98205696        314779648  4.2BSD   2048 16384 12960 # /
>   b:          4194304        412985344    swap                    # none
>   c:        937703088                0  unused
>   i:             2014               34    boot
>   j:          2097152             2048   MSDOS
>   k:        312473601          2099200 unknown
>   l:           204800        314574848   MSDOS
>   m:        100663296        417181696 unknown
>   n:         16777216        517844992 unknown
>   o:             1024        534622208 unknown
>   p:        104856576        534623232 unknown
> Note that:
> - slices 'a' to 'h' are usable for OpenBSD, however 'a' should be root
>   filesystem, 'b' should be swap, and 'c' is synthetic entry covering whole
>   disk. All these slices are always inside single GPT partition of type 
> OpenBSD
>  - in this case: 4: OpenBSD
> - slices from 'i' to 'p' are automatically mapped other GPT partitions. You 
> can
>  see (matching offset), that
> - slice 'i' is GPT partition 0: BIOS Boot
> - ... slice 'p': is GPT partition: 8: 516e7cb6-6ecf-11d6-8ff8-00022d09712b
> - however it means that additional GPT partitions (starting from 9) are simply
>  NOT accessible from OpenBSD.
> So briefly:
> - there are total 16 slices ('a' to 'p') available
> - first 8 slices are used to map OpenBSD slices inside single OpenBSD GPT
>  partition (but 'a', 'b', 'c' have special meaning as described above)
> - remaining 8 slices are automatically mapped remaining GPT partitions so they
>  can be accessed from OpenBSD (through device in /dev/)

It's important to remember that once the kernel has created or read a
disklabel it completely ignores the GPT. Sufficiently determined
manually editing of the disklabel can create partitions 'a' through 'p'
(excluding 'c') that address arbitrary areas on the disk. Crossing GPT
partition boundaries, overwriting the GPT, etc.  Of course the kernel
can then have shot itself in the foot by losing track of where it has
written the disklabel. All part of the fun.

Assuming you don't want to trash an existing GPT configuration, any
collection of 15 GPT partitions out of the 128 possible can be mapped
into disklabel partitions. The kernel takes a simple first come first
served strategy when building a default disklabel, but this does not
prevent the user from selecting a smaller/larger/different set of GPT
partitions. The only constraints are 'c' is out of bounds and there must
be someplace safe to write the disklabel if you want a non-default
configuration to be remembered. 'safe' being an interesting topic of its

Constraints around 'a' and 'b' relate to boot disks only.

The disklabel created for a boot disk during install will default to up
to 7 OpenBSD partitions with some spoofed partitions. But this is simply
an implementation choice that the user can ignore. e.g. defining an 'a'
for all OpenBSD data and 'b' through 'p' (excluding 'c') for any 14 GPT
Microsoft Basic Data partitions would theoretically work fine as a weird
but bootable OpenBSD system. You are of course completely on your own
when spelunking in such dark caves. :-)

.... Ken

> Hopefully it will make things more clear.
> Best regards
>   --Henryk Paluch
> On 12/18/23 17:15, spnti wrote:
>> Hello guys!
>> The OpenBSD installer partitioning does not accept more than 15 partitions
>> with GPT (partitions 'c' and 'i' are already defined in advance by the
>> installer). It limits from partition 'a' to 'p', but GPT partitions must
>> support up to 128 partitions.
>> Thank you for your attention and help.

.... Ken

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