#4924: Add Regulator Helper to RTEMS
  Reporter:  Joel Sherrill  |      Owner:  (none)
      Type:  enhancement    |     Status:  new
  Priority:  normal         |  Milestone:  6.1
 Component:  lib            |    Version:  6
  Severity:  normal         |   Keywords:
Blocked By:                 |   Blocking:
 This is to add the Regulator Helper. This will include the regulator
 itself, a test with full coverage, an example for rtems-examples, and a
 chapter in the Classic API Guide.

 The regulator is designed to sit logically between two entities -- a
 source and a destination, where it limits the traffic sent to the
 destination to prevent it from being flooded with messages from the
 source. This can be used to accommodate bursty input from a source and
 meter it out to a destination.

Ticket URL: <http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/4924>
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