A couple of people emailed me and mentioned that version 0.601 of
Audiogalaxy Satellite does not contain this webhancer spyware.  Anyone
have the original install zip/exe handy?

Also, another person replied to tell me that ad-aware by lavasoft
(http://www.lavasoft.de/aaw/) would rid this spyware from the system.

Best regards,
 Derek                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Monday, April 09, 2001, 5:07:14 AM, you wrote:

pseou> Forgive the newbie question but
pseou> Is there a way of uninstalling this spyware and having audiogalazy still
pseou> up and running? say like modifying the registry

pseou> On Sun, 8 Apr 2001, Derek Reynolds wrote:

>> Wasn't sure if this topic has already come up.
>> Installing Audiogalaxy automatically installs a small tracking or "spy"
>> program called Webhancer. This program not only tracks where you go on the Internet
>> but also reads files on your hard drives and sends info to some company. Even
>> after completing Audiogalaxy Satellite's rudimentary recommended uninstall method
>> which involves manually deleting it's file folder, Webhancer was still on up
>> and running in the background. I would have never known it were there were it
>> not for my router logs  showing outbound TCP connections to
>> a1.webhancer.com to port 80 (web).
>> Looking at download.coms download stats, AudioGalaxy Satellite was the
>> 3rd ranked most downloaded application last week.  (341,129 downloads last
>> week and 4,238,587 downloads to date).
>> Also, there is no disclaimer regarding this spyware on
>> www.audiogalaxy.com.
>> Don't get me wrong, AudioGalaxy satellite is a great application.
>> They just need to remove the spyware.
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> -Derek Reynolds                         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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