Derek Reynolds wrote:
> Installing Audiogalaxy automatically installs a small tracking or "spy"
> program called Webhancer. This program not only tracks where you go on 
the Internet
> but also reads files on your hard drives and sends info to some company. 
> after completing Audiogalaxy Satellite's rudimentary recommended 
uninstall method
> which involves manually deleting it's file folder, Webhancer was still on 

I asked Audio Galaxy about this, and got a polite letter from Michael 
Merhej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. According to Mr. Merhej, the install 
screens tell you that you're about to install WebHancer.  I also checked 
out the WebHancer site; they have a very clear privacy policy, and a PDF 
of a Deloitte & Touche audit of it.  They say that they only collect 
timing data, no personally identifiable information, do not allow third 
party correlations, and keep the data protected.

I'm not sure that Audio Galaxy or WebHancer deserve vilification; they 
both seem to have taken reasonable steps to protect privacy and to warn 
users of what they are doing.  


David Johnston
Little Bald Consulting

Privacy policy at

Deloitte & Touche audit at 

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