
Andreas Haugsnes wrote:
> I must say that I gasped and had to wipe sweat from my
> forehead when I read, tested and could confirm this
> exploit.
> The OpenBSD-team has known about this for -6- days (15th of June),
> and they haven't been able to come up with atleast a temporary fix?
> I can't find anything on errdata / security warnings,
> what's up with that?

I have communicated with several vendors and IMHO the OpenBSD folks are quite nice.
They are much better than Microsoft for example.
I believe that this patch is not trivial.

Georgi Guninski

> Andreas Haugsnes
> On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 05:14:46PM +0300, Georgi Guninski wrote:
> > Georgi Guninski security advisory #47, 2001
> >
> > OpenBSD 2.9,2.8 local root compromise
> >
> > Systems affected:
> > OpenBSD 2.9,2.8
> > Have not tested on other OSes but they may be vulnerable
> > Vendor status:
> > OpenBSD was informed on 9 June 2001.

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