I do think I know what you want. But I consider its a slippery slope as
you have no way of knowing or keeping track of the consequences of
not building a particular component.
I suggest its better to fix the local build problem than push workarounds 


Andrew John Hughes wrote:
2009/5/14 Phil Race <phil.r...@sun.com>:
There's public API associated with Nimbus in javax.swing.plaf.nimbus
so I don't think many people will want to use that facility and it doesn't
seem appropriate to have it in the jdk7 source train.


Andrew John Hughes wrote:
HI all,

I have a simple patch that allows the building of the Nimbus L'n'F
(which has a dependency on a specific version of JIBX, 1.1.5) to be
turned off so the user can trade build simplicity for a lack of Nimbus
support and curved buttons in Swing.

The bug report is here:

And the webrev is here: http://fuseyism.com/100054/webrev.00/ (still
having some issues getting access to cr.openjdk.java.net)


In my experience, it's usually a bad idea to pre-judge what people want.

I created and posted this patch because a number of us working on
OpenJDK have already had issues trying to build with this enabled.
I'm not suggesting by any means that you'd want this enabled in a
production build.  But it helps reduce the build requirements of
completing an OpenJDK build and, to my mind, allowing more people to
build OpenJDK allows more people to make worthwhile contributions.

I've already added this to IcedTea for this reason and I don't see
what harm it does to have the option available upstream.

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